Saturday, June 7, 2008

Day 3, Matthew 3

Hey guys,
Man it has been awesome to read your insights into the study! I am stoked to see Jesus moving and revealing Himself to each of us in new ways...Praise God! I would ask you to pray for those whose post or comment you're reading. Again like we would if we were meeting in a small group at the church, we would take time to pray for one another. Please do the same as you read others and their comment on the day's study!

Matthew 3 talks a lot about John the Baptist, and even though we are studying Jesus, I think there are some key things about John that we need to know! John was hardcore for God! The Bible tells us that he was out in the wilderness, not in the city streets...out in the wilderness preaching to any who would listen. Matthew tells us of John's purpose and he uses Isaiah 40:3 to do it. John was to simply prepare the way for the Lord. His job was to say...don't look at me, it is Him you want to look at and be about! Don't miss this guy Jesus, He is the One. John's job was always to point toward Jesus. The other cool thing about John was his message. Repent...turn from your sins. Does that message sound familiar? Do you think we will hear Jesus preaching that as well? John was so sold out for God that he would preach on whatever God asked him to preach on. Even if it was to the religious leaders, or even to the king, John was willing to be obedient even to the point of death...EXTREME FAITH!! My favorite verse from this reading, that also hits me hard is Matthew 3:8. Lord please help me live this out!!

We finally get to Jesus and what He is up to in verse 13. Now my question to you is in verse 13 Jesus was about 30 years old. When we left off yesterday Jesus was a child. What was going on in our Savior's life for 30 years? What was He doing? What was He learning? What was going on with Jesus during this time?

I have often wondered about this, and while we are not exactly sure of what He did everyday of His life during this time, more than likely He was handling the little things. He was being a good Son and Brother. He was waiting for His time that had not yet come. In my study, what stood out to me was that Jesus, ruler of it all, would say, 'It's simply not My time yet.' I mean He is the Ruler, He is the King...not His time yet? Jesus in this moment displayed for me EXTREME OBEDIENCE to His Father...God Almighty! Jesus took care of the little things even though He knew He was to save the world from its sin! Too many times in my life, I am not willing to do the little things. I want to jump right into the big things...mission trips, preaching and leading worship, instead of doing the the little things...being a good son and brother and simply helping others as I develop my relationship with God. But Jesus shows us the importance of the little things. I mean if I desire to be a better follower of Christ, than I must embrace the little things and not just the big things from God!

Jesus being baptized always seemed weird as well to me. When you are baptized you are saying to the world, "I am turning from sin and turning to God!". But Jesus had no sin. So why get baptized? And Jesus answers that in verse 15, but also Jesus did it for the Jews. Jewish people almost had this stuck-up mentality that they were the "chosen" people, descendants of Abraham, and they really didn't need to get baptized. Jesus comes in and simply declares His need for God, He declares His love for God. Jesus was a Jew, and yet he declares His ultimate need for God Almighty! What a beautiful moment that was..."As the heavens open up and God almighty declares...This is my Son!" And like that wasn't good enough...He says, "Whom I am well pleased with!" God says you better keep your eyes on this Guy, my precious Son. This marks the start of Christ's ministry on earth! It is now His time to begin doing His thing!!

  • What was the relationship like between Jesus' mom and John the Baptist's mom...look at Luke 1. Were Jesus and John the Baptist around the same age?
  • As you picture John the Baptist out in the woods preaching this intense message, what are some of the response's you think he got?
  • Has Jesus being baptized ever stuck out to you? Do you understand why He did indeed get baptized?
  • How well do you do the little things in life compared to the big things. I mean i think a lot of us would jump in a plane tomorrow to go save as many children that were dying from hunger that we could, but most of us are not willing to take even 5 minutes to pray for them. God is into the little things, are you?
  • Picture this scene of Jesus coming out of the water, and the heavens parting, and the voice of the One True God saying...This is My Son, and I am well Pleased with Him! What are some things that would be running through your head as you heard the voice of God in that precious moment?

Lord, please bless us as we study more about You and Your Son whom we desperately want to be more like! Draw us closer to You and to one another I pray...

In Jesus Name, Amen!



Anonymous said...

Hi people!

For me, I try the best I can to be into the little things. Personally, reading the Bible has becoming a habit of mine, something I love to do. (thank you for changing me God!!), but praying is something I have a hard time with. I can't focus, and I never know what to say. And I don't want to just pray to be heard, I want to pray when I want to talk with God. Prayer is definatley one of the little things that i have a hard time with, and am learning to do better.


Marissa said...

Matthew 3 is one of my favorite stories, but I now understand the whole getting baptized thing. I must admit I was baptized when I was a baby (like 9months-year)but I haven't since I've given my life to Christ.

Jesus and John were really close in age because Mary and Elizabeth were both preg-o at the same time.

John preaching in the desert would probably get some intense words said back to him and I'm sure some would be considerate of what he had to say.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm definitely into the little things. My dad and me are the same way... think about everything first to set everything up. It's like baking a cake...if you don't get all the ingredients out first ready to use and notice you don't have 3 eggs the whole point of baking a cake would be ruined becasue the batter would sit to long becasue you're not prepared. God said to be prepared (2 Timothy 4:2)... but I'm definitely not prepared always.

If I heard God's voice, I'd know it was his and I'd fall flat on my face in worship.

PS: All these comments seem like we're in a real bible study I LOVE IT! I'm praying for you all! :)
<3 Marissa!

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys, Ok so i have realized that When you pay attention to the little things in life like Getting along with your siblings and metting new people and stuff like that then God will bless you with big things for paying attention to the little things.

I have been doing a lot better with the little things cause i know all i have to do is ask God to give me strenth and patience and he does! Its amazing!!!

I would be scared yet amazed if I heard the voice of God come from the heavens! I would be in such shock!I would probly fall to the ground and bow down because he is so powerful!

I hope everyone is getting just as much out of this bible study as i am cause i am LOVING it so far:)!Have a great day everyone!


Ryan said...

I sometimes do get carried away. I always want to serve in bigger places then in my community or locally somewhere. Though just like Christ i feel like we should be obedient and know that God will lead us to bigger things when the time has come. If i were in the scene where the Heavens were split and the only true God spoke i would be flat on my face as soon as i heard him. I dont know how things would be around me but all i would want to do is worship him.


lauren barbano said...

Hey loves of fusion! I don't know about you, but I love studying the Word of God and even more so with all of you. I must confess I get overwhelmed by how much information, symbolism, parables, metaphors, etc. that one chapter entails in God's Word!! Just the things that Tom adds are mind-blowing! I bet some people or students think of reading the book of Matthew and are bored with the thought of reading it because most likely they have read it. Let's pray for those students that do not have a desire to read the Word of God or have put others things in front of God. I, on the other hand, am super excited and joyful to share in this Bible Study with you guys, learning all of the cool facts and details that are produced from God's precious and powerful Word! With that are my thoughts of Matthew Chapter 3!!

1. In Luke 1:26 it says that Elizabeth (John's mom) was 6 months pregnant when Mary became pregnant (with Jesus). Thanks Mars for saying made me giggle. :)

3. Jesus being baptized really stands out to me. It just shows so much of His character and what He gave up for us. There are a few reasons I can think of that He was baptized: to support John the Baptist, to support the people to repent of their sins, and to please God. Jesus' obedience and humble attitude are AWESOME!!! Man, I want to be just like Him...good thing I am doing this Bible Study with all of ya!

I will be praying for all of you guys!!

LV, Lauren

Anonymous said...

I SO love God's Word! John the Baptist & Jesus mom were related! God actually told Mary to go visit this dear, older family member Elizabeth who was also prego with God's chosen servant. I just love this! There certainly have been times when i feel like God has clearly communicated to me His love for me or told me something He wants me to do but sometimes He blesses us with the mercy of confirmation through human flesh & blood! I wonder how much it just soothed her soul & calmed her flesh to have Elizabeth put her arms around her and confirm what God had already communicated to her. He created us, He knows us so well, He knows sometimes we just need to feel it!
I have felt the Spirit keeping me in check many times, asking me if i am being that voice shouting out to a weary world? preparing the Way for Him to move in their lives?
Is there any area of my life that could be a stumbling block to the Way? Sometimes i simply hear Him telling me to get out of the Way & let Him be their Savior! duh. I'm totally loving Colossians(again) right now & the last verses of ch1 tells us that Paul spent all of His energy on warning & teaching everyone so we can present everyone mature, complete & perfect in Christ. Sounds like "preparing the Way" to me and it is absolutely in the little things.
Lord Jesus help us all to follow hard after you, to be Your voice, to prepare the Way. Jesus we want to be Your flesh & blood to give Your Words of mercy to those who are desperate to hear it. Start here and now with this group that You are knitting together that we would be each others biggest cheerleaders encouraging one another to finish the race that You have set before us!

Linda Hansen said...

I am so excited about this study even if I lag behind. What jumped out at me in this Chapter was the way Matthew describes John The Babtist. He gave us details of a man who was wearing clothes made of camels hair and a leather belt. His diet being of locust and wild honey and on top of that he was hanging out in the wilderness. Not much to write home about right? No fancy clothes, no exquisite meals. BUT! People went out from Jerusalem, Judea, and Jordan to confess their sins and be babtized. Would their be any difference today based on a persons looks as to whether you could know that someone is sharing the news of Jesus the savior and the power of repentance? Would it be by the grace of the Holy Spirit leading us to our John the Babtist? I believe the power of Johns message -was- the clothes he was wearing. The pure love, the obedience, the calling of his heart. My prayer is that when anyone sees Jesus in us they see not the outside but the inside of who we are. God made us all so beautifully different I would hate to see an oppurtunity missed because we focused on the outside. Love Linda, PS. I love the sharing part. If anyone is just beginning this study please share your thoughts you never know what Jesus has to share.

Anonymous said...

I think its awesome that God blessed Zechariah and Elizabeth with a child, John the Baptist, even in their old age and Elizabeth being barren. It's awesome that He had someone leading up to Jesus Christ, our Savior, God knew people wouldnt be able to handle Jesus at first, so they sent John the Baptist out to start preaching about Him, the Saviour of the Universe.