Here we are already on day 4...Crazy! To me this is where the study is going to pick up. I mean it is important to know our Jesus and how He grew up and all that, but from here on out we are reading about His ministry! Lord Jesus please open our eyes to see and to learn more about You!
The story of Jesus being tempted should encourage all of our heart's. The Bible says that Jesus was led by the Spirit out to be tempted. I love how the Bible never shies away from the fact and even goes out of its way to remind us how human Jesus really was. I feel like verse 2 was simply to connect to the human food for 40 days...that makes me hungry just thinking about it. I can't even go 40 minutes without food! Again, the Bible giving us the opportunity to connect with our Jesus over human needs...this time it is hunger that connects us to Christ.
What a blueprint Jesus laid out for us to follow when facing temptation. I assume you, like me, face temptation in your own life. Even our Jesus, our King, Lord and Savior faced temptation but did you notice how Jesus faught against the devil? Did you notice how sly the devil was in trying to tempt Jesus? Knowing Jesus is hungry, the enemy tries to tempt Jesus with food. Satan tries to misuse the Word of God. The enemy is slick and we must be ready to fight against him the way Christ how did Jesus fight and win against satan? He did it through the Word! How crucial is it to know God and His Word! Every time the enemy came at Jesus, our Lord fired back with the undeniable truth of the Word! Do you know the truth? Are you ready to fight against temptation the way Christ did? We must know the Word to be ready to stand against the attack from the evil one.
In this chapter, we see Jesus pick out His first disciples...Andrew, Simon or Peter, James and John. Now remember the difference between a disciple and an apostle. A disciple is a learner, one who follows and is simply learning from the One they follow. An apostle is a messenger. Later on, the 12 would go from being followers to messengers of the news about Jesus. Here in Matthew 4 we read about Jesus and His first round picks.
All four of these guys were fisherman, and it cracks me up every time I read this to think about Jesus simply calling out to the them and saying come follow Me! I will make you fishers of men. The Bible tells us these four guys drop their nets...I love that. They stopped what they were doing to follow Christ. How often do you and I tell God we will follow in a second after we finish up some other things first. 'Don't worry Lord, I will follow you after I take care of some other important stuff first'...these guys said count us in Jesus! Everything stopped for Christ. Can you say that for your own life? These guys were willing to leave it all behind and pursue Jesus. Is that a picture of you and your relationship with our Lord?
The last part of the chapter tells us that it doesn't take long in His ministry for Jesus to become famous. The word was spreading fast about this man Christ who could heal the lame and the sick. People began to come from all over to get a look at this man Jesus to see what He was about! Notice what His message was to the people as He would might ring a bell...check out verse 17. John the Baptist prepared the way for Christ to be heard. Jesus then came in. He began preaching and things began to happen!
- When was the last time you were tempted to do wrong?
- How do you try and fight temptation now?
- Who were the first four disciples Jesus called?
- What was their job or occupation?
- Imagine what someone would write back in those days, if they had a newspaper, about this man Jesus and His healing power. What do think would be some things listed in the article about this mystery man Jesus Christ?
Lord Jesus, continue to open our eyes so we can see You and what You were about. We love You and need You badly. Bless my friends who are studying and learning more about You I Pray...In Jesus' Name, Amen!