Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day 8, Matthew 5:38-48

Hey Guys,
Man I am so sorry I have been MIA lately, my computer is seriously challenging my faith. Please pray that it would last, because right now I can not afford to get an another one! How is everyone doing with their study of not grow weary, stay focused! Jesus draw us closer to You please! Make us desperate for You, even more than we already are! Help us become better followers of You, we need You so badly Lord God. Be with us today as we study Your Holy Word, teach us something new I pray...In Jesus Name. Amen!

The last part I want to look at in Matthew 5 I think everyone can relate to at some point in their life. Jesus teaches and talks about revenge or having a love for your enemies. I think a lot of us keep away from people we know to be "evil", and I love my Jesus because He is so radical! He says in verse 39, don't resist an evil person, in other words don't keep a safe distance between you and them. Jesus encourages us to get into their lives, and as we do it don't hold anything back from them. If they ask for money, give it to them...verse 42. If they ask for some of your clothes, give them your best and more than what they ask for...verse 40. This way of living is so far from the way we live isn't. Jesus teaches His disciples, and us His modern day disciples, to not just love those who love us. He says to be like Him, in every way, and love those who love you and hate you.

I think the key to this whole thing that Jesus is asking us to live out is in verse 44. Read it again. Man how hard it is to pray for people who irritate us, or are simply mean and rude to us. I have struggled to do this like so many others, but I know the times I have done it erased my anger so quickly towards that person. We love to be angry, even in times when we have a right to be mad, Jesus tells us to give that to the Lord in Prayer.

  • Is there someone you are mad at right now or is there someone you consider to be evil and your enemy in life right now? Take some time to simply pray for them and your attitude toward others like them.

Hopefully I will get my computer fixed tomorrow and we will resume our study together! Have a great day or night depending on when you read this!! Love you guys greatly!
