Saturday, May 31, 2008

John 15...T-Minus 4 Days and Counting...

hello crew!
This weekend has been crazy already! Just moved into my new place and I am trying to get settled in! As I read John 15 again today what sticks out is Jesus talking about joy. We need joy in our lives don't we? Jesus goes on and on about remaining in Him only to say, in verse 11, "I have told you this so that you will be filled with my joy.Yes, your joy would overflow!"

Right now in your life, are you "overflowing" with joy? People notice those who are filled with people notice you? Do you stand out to others because you are all about our Jesus and because of it your exploding with joy?

What about the opposite of joy? Jesus talks about those who are apart from Him wither up. He says those who are disconnected from Him are useless...right now do you feel useless? Is your life counting for something? Jesus gives us the choice...a "joy" filled life or a withered useless life. Which life do you want?

I am praying for all you guys...please do the same for me!

Don't forget to be in prayer for our study...I'll see some of you tomorrow at worship!


1 comment:

lauren barbano said...

I know I am a little late on commenting on this particular blog entry, but it is better late than never! I am so with ya on this entry. The whole reason Jesus was telling His disciples this was because He desired them to experience true JOY! Praise You Jesus! Joy that comes from obeying God. I remember the first time I met Jimmy, a homeless man in town, and I remember serving Him and I have never felt so much joy right there in that moment. I mean it was an overwhelming sense of joy consuming my whole body. That is because I know I was doing what my Jesus wanted me to do...I was obeying my God. It is so awesome when His Word comes to life! :)