Thursday, May 29, 2008

John 15...6 days and counting!

What up fusion faithful!
Man I am stoked to dive in deeper with you all in looking at the life of our Jesus! For those of you tracking with me in this journey, i have asked that you read John 15 everyday until the study begins(6 days and counting!!). John 15, the whole chapter, is Jesus talking to us. So as you read it again and again this week, read it as if Jesus were talking directly to you. Tonight as I read it over I was reminded of how crucial it is to remain in my Jesus.

Jesus says in verse 5, apart from Me you can do nothing! Do you believe that to be true in your own life? That you will not be successful unless you stay connected with Christ. It is a thought we struggle to believe in our hearts isn't it. I know I like to think I can handle anything on my own, and this verse really challenges me...apart from Me can do nothing!

Some things to reflect on...
  • How do we remain in His love?(verse 10)
  • In verse 2 Jesus says that the Gardener, or His Father...God, cuts off any branch that isn't producing fruit or that is killing the person's life. As we get set to start our study boldly ask God to prune your life and to cut any "branch" off that isn't producing good fruit!
  • And don't forget to be praying for the 4 things I listed on the 1st "blog".

I am praying for all you guys...I'll talk to ya tomorrow!


1 comment:

Marissa said...

I find myself read John 15 a lot for some problems I face in my life with friends and getting to know God and Jesus. Jesus says, to remain in his love you have to keep his commands. Not just being a "good" person is gonna cut it, but reading God's word finding his commands, in his word, and obeying them with every cell in your body is what Jesus is looking for. -Marissa