Saturday, June 14, 2008

Day 7, Matthew 5:13-30

Hola Homies and Homets,
I hope the weekend is treating you well. I am looking forward to worship tomorrow morning fo' sure! How is the study going for you? What new things are you learning about Jesus? Is your relationship with Him going deeper...I am praying so!!

I am going to break this reading down into 3 parts...Shining for Christ, Anger and Lust.

Jesus says, in verse 15 with a bit of sarcasm, that no one lights up a lamp and then covers it up! Imagine being at home with your family, and somebody is dark in here turn on that light and then 5 seconds later goes back over to the light and covers it up! Wouldn't you look at that person in your family and ask them what they have been smoking? Jesus is calling us to live out lives that shine for His glory. In verse 16 He says to let our good deeds shine out brightly for all to see to the praise of our Heavenly Father! The problem today in the world is we have way to many "weird" Christians. The same way you would look at someone who asks for light and then turns right around and covers up the light they just lit, is the same way the world often looks at Christians. Sometimes we are so ashamed of our faith, we refuse to shine our lights for Jesus, and because of that we become useless to Him! The world asks...if this Jesus guy is so awesome why are you so ashamed of Him? Jesus tells us here in this passage that shining is our purpose in this life...we are to shine for Him!!!

This passage where Jesus talks about anger is a tough one for sure! In this chapter we often hear Jesus say...You have heard the law of Moses says, but I say...and I found out that Jesus was not changing the law or even raising the stakes. He was merely reflecting God's heart for those laws in the first place. Jesus tells us that we can murder in our hearts and in words and it is just as wrong as actual physical murder! How many times have you thought someone was an idiot? Yet Jesus tells us that is just as wrong as committing murder. One of the things Jesus points out in this text that I think we struggle with as Christ followers is mending problems with other believers. Jesus tells us to NOT approach God in worship if we know someone has a "beef" with us. Jesus tells us to work it out, settle it and then come to God in worship! We often go to God first, tell Him how wrong the other person is. We then make ourselves feel better, and never address the issue with the person! Christ says to go to the person first, fix it, and the get your worship on!

Lust. How dangerous it can be. I remember hearing the adultery commandment and then thinking that is one I will never have to worry about...and then along comes Jesus! Jesus says, if you ever think something lustful you've committed adultery! But then he encourages us to do the extreme...if your eye causes you to sin gauge it out, or your hand causes you to sin cut it off! That is hard core no doubt! I love how Jesus says...even if it's your good eye or even if it's your good hand! Jesus was so radical! Now did He mean to actually cut off your hand or really take out your! Why? Because you can still lust with no eyes, or with no hands. Again Jesus was talking about something deeper. Christ is saying man if you can't hop on that computer without looking at porn, than smash that thing in a million pieces! Or if you can'tt stop sleeping with her, you need to break up with her. Jesus calls us to be radical as He was! Are you?

Which of the 3 topics discussed do you struggle with most and why?
How well of a job do you do at sharing your faith with others?
Are you willing to be "radical" for Jesus?
Imagine yourself as one of the 12 disciples...what are some things that would be running through your head as you hear Jesus teaching all this for the first time?

Instead of me praying and ending today's blog, I would like to ask you to pray for our community, specifically asking Jesus to change all of our hearts for His glory. The results are in for the "live" recording nights for the Jr. and Sr. high, and I thought it was cool that both groups voted "God of this City" in the set list. So as you pray for fusion, remember that, and ask to be a part of greater things!! I am excited to see what Jesus is going to do in and through our community of faith, fusion! have an awesome night and I look forward to worshipping with you guys tomorrow!



Anonymous said...

wow, that is some intense stuff. It's really amazing that even though I may have heard this passage a million times, every time I read it, conviction, and a strive to do more and better kicks in.

Of the three issues Jesus addresses in this passage, I struggle the most with lust. Lust has chewed me up and spit me out more times than I can count. On a computer, and off. As many other guys may know, lust is a minute by minute battle. The enemy is around every corner just waiting for guys to look at that site, or check out that girl walking down the hall. Thank God I have Jesus!!!!! I can turn to him anytime I am tempted and let His beautiful grace capture me all over again. Do I fail? of course, I'm only human. But now I have a reason to keep fighting, I have a reason to not give up, and that is because I know that God has a plan for my life as a special utinsel to work for him if I keep myself pure. I hope that this may encourage other guys, and even girls that struggle with this. God is transforming my life, he can do it to yours too.

About sharing my faith. I could do a better job at this. The cool part is that I can look back on the last 2 years of my life in high school and actually see improvement in this aspecct of my life. I can't wait to see what God is gonna help me do next year and the year after that at my school.

Yes I am willing to be radical for Jesus. Whether it is fasting my computer, or wakingup at 4, or preaching in the courtyard at school (that one sounds scary lol) I'll do my best to live radical for Jesus.

If I was a disciple, I would have been like ".....Oh crap.......".
There are so many challenges, and things that I suck at doing mentioned in this section of scripture.

Wow, that was long!!!! Have a great day everyone.
peace out,

Marissa said...

Anger or lust. I mean when I get angry I usually just want to say things I know I'll regret or just call someone dumb. Or when I see some hot guy I wanna be like "Hey boy hey"...and talk to them or I have to take myself out of some situations. But probably the angry monkey is the one I struggle with the most.

If I was one of the disciples I'd be shocked if not overwhelmed with guilt and conviction.I get angry over dumb things like someone not calling me but calling someone that can call me to tell me something. Things I should be getting angry over like hunger in the United States and Benjeson getting fed and having a relationship with Christ. I mean my anger was through the roof a year ago...anyone would say one thing and I'd go off on them. Now when I get upset I seclude myself from everyone and pray for patience and peace. Sometimes I just want to bash people when I'm talking to God, but that will do nothing just like it says in verse 23 and 24, and then go make things right with them before worshiping God. I strive to be more like Jesus and controlling my anger and taking my issues with people up front will help me carry out what God has laid out for me. I want to stay on the narrow path as much as possible.

I love sharing my faith! I wish I could share it more. Sometimes I wish we had school all year with half the time so we'd get out at noon, just so I could share my faith with people all year and have a convenient time to profess my faith in Christ. Sometimes people ask me why I have so much joy and that just opens the door for talking about my relationship with Jesus and the God of the Universe.I want to be "radical" for Jesus...DEFINITELY!

Anonymous said...

I would have to say I struggle the most with anger. I have to remind myself that nobody's perfect, especially me.. I just have to be patient with people, and understand their point of view. I'm working on being more understanding, and not looking at things the negative aspect.

I just wanted to say that I love this idea for a bible study, its different from being in a room with people and talking face to face with them, but I like this too. I hope everyone is getting as much out of it as I am, and I'm praying for you all. Love ya!

Lori said...

I agree with Andrew, intense stuff. This is totally a follow up for me from the last blog. My current struggle is with un-shiny Christians. As a mom of little kids that come home & say so & so says they are a Christian but... Kids are so quick to put out there what we might be thinking but never would actually say. My Rielly is so over the top joyful all the time & she is constantly asking tough questions!!! Why does so & so always look so grumpy or how about- do you think they are really a Christian? Ugh. At my last job there were people who would say they are Christians but then would say or do something so off & i would feel the need to damage control, i'm guessing you all would have the same issues in your schools.When Casey & Emily were little they loved the Newsboys song "SHINE-make them wonder what you got, make them wish that they were not, on the outside looking bored!" Definitely a McCormick theme song. BUT how shiny do you think i feel when i know i am not to judge, God knows the heart, we are all at different places in the race set before us.... I get seriously irritated, unmerciful and even down right angry with the "weird" Christians who aren't very shiny. Yuck, i am convicted of this because i so know that there are about a million other things to be angry about, i know that the enemy would love for us to turn on each other. He would be happy for us to take over and do his dirty work.
Lord Jesus we so want to shine for You. We do not want to be part of the problem Lord, we want to be part of the the Solution. Jesus keep us close to You, keep us pure, thank You Lord for these shining students who are putting themselves out there, keeping it real. Pour out Your mercy and favor on us that it would overflow to those around us. To the lost as well as to those who are just getting in the race. Help us to speak Your Words of encouragement to all who would listen. Surely You are God of this city, You are great & glorious we want to fight FOR our friends, our families & our homes!(Neh4:14)Lead the Way for us Jesus!

Anonymous said...

Andrew M I could not agree with you more on the first thing you said this IS INTENSE STUFF. The thing i struggle with the most is when i get mad cuz i can get stressed really easy and i wish i could say to you "oh i use to get mad and say mean things and think even worse things but i don't anymore" but the truth is if i do still. I AM A SINNER. I'm trying to get better though. I know in the bible it says don't fight against an evil person but for me it can be hard to "bite my tongue". Not only that but as scripture would put it "to turn the other cheek". That is hard for me too cuz i do want to get the last word. I know i'm a sinner but Jesus forgives me!!!!(yay)

As for sharing my faith i do try to share it or as he put it "spread the light" whenever i can but sometimes i let worry stand in the way and i do get scared. Now i am trying to let myself know it is for his glory and he is with me.

Now for lust this one of those things, like Tom said, that when i heard about adultry i figured it wouldn't be so hard to follow. But i do go "oh look he's cute" in my mind as i walk down the halls of my school sometimes. I hope you all are praying for me and for forgiveness of all my many sins. (thank heavens Jesus has such a love for us) You can be sure that i WILL PRAY FOR YOU ALL. As James 5:16 says.

oh almost forgot if i were a disciple (which by the way i would do this even if i wasn't) I would get on my knees and pray for Gods grace,strength, and forgiveness.

have an awesome week,

love love love love
